محمود محمد محمد عطيه
كلية الزراعة - قسم امراض النبات
استاذ امراض النبات

الوظائف الإدارية

وكيل الكلية للدراسات العليا

الدرجات العلمية

بكالوريوس فى النبات الزراعي, -جامعة الزقازيق [1990]
ماجستير فى النبات الزراعي, -جامعة الزقازيق [1995]
(دراسات على مرض عفن جذور بعض القرعيات في الأراضي المستصلحة)
دكتوراه فى النبات الزراعي, -جامعة الزقازيق [2000]
1 - PERSONAL DATA: 1. Name : Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Mohamed Atia. 2. Position : Prof. & Head of Plant Pathology Dept. Fac. of Agric., Zagazig Univ., Zagazig, Egypt 3. Major Specialty : Plant Pathology. 4. Minor Specialty Fungal Diseases (Biological Control, Induced resistance) 5. Birth Date :04/07/1968 6. Martial Status : Married. 7. Military State : Finish 8. Telephone No. :+ 20 55 3293420 (Home) +20184107413 (mobile) 9. Fax. : + 20 55 3387567 10. E. Mail address :usamaatia2@yahoo.com 2 - Qualification: 1. B.Sc. : In Agriculture (Plant Pathology) Faculty of : In Agriculture, Zagazig University, Jun 1990 2. M. Sc : In Agriculture (Plant Pathology) Faculty of : Agriculture, Zagazig University, October 1995 Studies on damping-off and rot–rot of watermelon and cantaloupe in the new soil 3. Ph.D. : In Agriculture (Plant Pathology), Faculty of : Agriculture, Zagazig University, December 2000 in Cooperation with Institute of Phytomedicine University of Hohenheim Germany (Studies on Tomato late Blight Caused By Phytophthora infestans).

الاهتمامات العلمية

induced resistance molecular plant pathology biological control of plant diseases friendly alternative in controlling plant diseases disease diagnose chemical control of plant disease phytoplasma plant diseases

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